Starbase 1




Game Overview

Starbase 1 LARP is a Science Fiction live Roleplay Simulation, set in the distant future of our own Galaxy. Humanity has discovered faster-than-light Space Travel and have already Colonized a large area of Space, only to begin encountering Alien Empires of equivalent Power. The four major newly aligned Factions vie over the Planet Atarum’s Resources, which is in a distant part of our Milky Way Galaxy, centered on the Sol system, about 10,000 light-years across, which without Warp Drive, even the most advanced Vessels would take many months to traverse.

The story begins after a period of increasing tension, as the Federation invites Ambassadors selected from each of it’s allied Races, to share it’s out its unique preliminary Information and Scans of the Dilithium rich Planet, and already have set up a well equipped Outpost, with Crew and Mining Technology. These Shuttles offer the opportunity to carry small Crews over vast distances, opening up fresh horizons for Research, Expansion and Discoveries. Some NPC Players are invitees of the Federation, and its partner Starport Industries - the select few who can intervene in critical Events to influence the fate of the Starbase 1.

Events represent interventions by the neutral Corporation, Starport Industries at the behest of local Planetary Authorities. Each Event will provide opportunities to engage with local Issues on Planet, and also hire Warp Drive-equipped Shuttles to Travel elsewhere in known Space, and complete all manner of Public (and Secret) Missions. Player Teams will have the chance to earn ludicrous Profits, discover unknown Worlds, build the power of the Federation and increase their own Status, Wealth and Reputation, all while under the watchful eye of the Starfleet Command.


The four Factions are designed to be culturally and visually distinctive. At Events, each Faction has a Separate Camp, arrayed around a “hub” area (for Games Ops and NPC Starport Industries). Three of the four Factions have strong cultural Roleplay elements, and their Player Members will be expected to participate in Cultural Gatherings and Ceremonies.

Each Faction has a Dominant Species, which the majority of its Attendees will be. Your Character's Species determines a few basic stats and access to some skills and abilities (such as the Psionic Powers).

The four playable Factions are as follows;

The Federation and it’s Allies

Humans (Homo sapiens), also known as Human beings or Terrans, were a warp-capable humanoid species from the planet Earth, in the Sol system, Sector 001, of the Alpha Quadrant. Humans were the only surviving race of several sentient/intelligent species to have evolved from the Genus Homo.

Klingon - The Klingons (tlhIngan in Klingonese) were a Humanoid Warrior Species that originated from the planet Qo'noS (pronounced Kronos), an M-class Planet in the Beta Quadrant. One of the Major Powers of the Galaxy, the Klingons were a proud, tradition-bound People who value Honor and Combat. The aggressive Klingon Culture has made them an interstellar Military Power to be respected, and feared.

 - A philosophical faction dedicated to understanding the mysteries of the cosmos, guided by a caste of Judges, who possess mysterious mental powers. The main species in the Commonality are the powerfully Psionic Priests, whose physical frailty is more than made up for by their mental abilities and psionically-enhanced technology.

- The Vulcans, or Vulcanians, were a warp-capable Humanoid Species from the Planet Vulcan. They were widely renowned for their strict adherence to Logic and Reason, as well as their remarkable stoicism. In 2161, their Homeworld became a founding member of the United Federation of Planets.

 - The Romulans were a Humanoid Race from the Planet Romulus. The Romulans were Biological Cousins of Vulcans, descended from those who rejected Surak's Reforms during the Time of Awakening. By the 24th century, the Romulan Star Empire was one of the Major Powers in the Galaxy. After a Supernova destroyed the Romulan Sun, the Romulan Free State became the official government. Eventually, the Romulans reunified with the Vulcans and settled on the planet Vulcan, which was renamed Ni'Var.

Corporate Allies

Starport Industries Corp. - Starport Industries (Starport Industries) is an American Aerospace Manufacturer, Space Transportation Services and Communications Corporation headquartered in Mojave, California. Starport Industries was founded in 2004 by Rick Smith with the Goal of reducing Space Transportation Costs, to enable the Colonization of Mars. Starport Industries manufactures the Warp 3 Engine and Heavy launch Vehicles, several Rocket engines, Outpost Cargo Shipments, Crew Spacecraft and Outpost Communications Satellites.

The Planet Atarum’s Government

The Free Union - A confederacy of fiercely independent human colonies and alien worlds, whose adaptability and diversity are their main strengths. Although the majority of the Free Union's population is human, its alien Vulcans enjoy equal status in society. The Free Union has less cultural requirements and a lot more freedom for divergent character concepts, but has fewer advantages as a result.

Alien Species

While each Faction has a dominant Species, they also Rule over other, less powerful or numerous Aliens, which are under the Federation's Protection. Alien Species can have access to strange Powers, and the ability, based on their Alien Physiology, but cannot participate in the society of their parent Species to the same extent as the dominant Species, and draw fewer advantages as a result. Each Faction has large number of Aliens, which Players can choose to Play, with the Agreement of the Game Team. Alien Species have Racial Abilities assigned by the Game Team, usually determined by the coolness, and unwieldiness of their Physreps. If you would like to Play a Member of a Alien Species, please Contact us with your ideas – a brief Synopsis of the kind of Species you have planned would be great, as well as your intended Physrep plans, if any.

See the Alien Species Page for more details.


The Game

Starbase 1 LARP Events have a variety of Festive and Linear Elements. Participants play Characters from one of the 4 major Factions of known Space, each of which has a distinctive Culture, Advantages and Abilities. Within the Factions, Players belong to a Team, which represents a Crew or various types of independent Teams working within their Faction. Teams can be one of 3 types (Military, Corporate or Scientific), which will determine what kind of Gameplay and Earnings they get during the Events, as well as signpost what kind of things the Players want to get involved with to the Organizers. Although each Faction will have dedicated NPC interactions, such as the Ambassadorial Representatives of the different Faction's Authority - the Player Characters are for the most part Self-Governing (although they may be sanctioned if they step wildly out of line), and the Faction NPCs are there to provide Leadership and Direction.

Outpost Events will consist of Gameplay with Players camped according to their Faction, with a central area containing representatives of NPC Starport Industries (large, specialized organizations independent of the Factions). Players will be able to interact with each other, and with representatives of the Planet, or System that each individual Event is on (who will provide plot to work through with the chance of special rewards, goodwill or being paid). The NPC corporation Starport Industries will provide Services, Missions that the Players can work to complete for Payment, as well as the opportunity to go on Missions by hiring a shuttles (both to set up linear, and also have Player Crews fly Missions using computers set up to simulate a Starship Bridge). This System will allow Players to revisit Sites that they have had involvement with in the past, and progress Plots or built networks of contacts across the Planet.

In-Character, Events are hosted by the Starport Industries Corporation, or other local Groups such as individual Planetary Authorities, or Mining Stations, etc., and Game Participants will be Ship Crews, and the like, who have been specifically invited to attend - this is to keep the feeling of the game somewhat marginalized, and to keep away from grandiose Political Themes (so while each Faction will probably send a few mid-ranked Ambassadors, and other Representatives (faction NPCs to serve as a link between the Faction Players, and the Game Organizers), they won't be able to send their top-end Leaders, to boss everyone around. Factions may have some specific missions lined up for attendees (as they will be able to access the Jump-capable spacecraft, which the Faction's don't have). The hosts technically discourage all-out violence between the factions, but don’t massively care as long as none of their resources get disrupted.


Each Event takes place in an area generally free of Laws, and other Legal precepts, as the Starport Industries, who Host each Event, generally insist on a Legal Exclusion Zone. However, the Starport Industries Corporation provides Services at the Outpost that are not accessible otherwise, so remaining in their good graces is important. The current uneasy peace between the Factions does not encourage open War at the Outpost, but there is plenty of opportunity to interfere with the activities of the Away Teams, and from other Factions. If Player Teams, or individuals are seen as excessively disruptive, then they may be denied certain Services, or have Bounties placed upon them by the Outpost Authorities, which anyone can collect. Characters with a significant Bounty on their heads might find themselves drawing the attention of Bounty Hunters, or Mercenary Teams from across the quadrant.

Player Roles and Abilities

The Starbase 1 LARP does not restrict Players to specific sets of Skills and Abilities. Generally, if a Player is capable of doing something, they are permitted to carry it out, so long as it does not physically harm themselves, or other Players, and does not Violate additional Rule Limitations. 

Generally, Characters are organized and differentiated by two major Characteristics: Rank and Role. Given the military nature of Starbase 1, and it’s Occupants, Rank will play a major part in establishing both Characters, and their Storylines. Military Characters will all begin with a specific Rank that places them somewhere within the Military Hierarchy. Whenever possible, Characters should make an effort to respect the general Chain-of-Command, adhering to the Orders of those above them and demonstrating superiority over those below them. While occasional disobedience towards Superiors is permissible – especially if it is a Trait determined by the Character’s background – such actions should draw Penalties from higher-ups. For a full breakdown of Starfleet and Command Ranks, see the Rule Book.


Key Points

_If a Player can carry out a Task within other Rule limits it is permissible.

_Major differences between Characters are determined by Rank and Role – both determined by a Player’s Character Bio.

_Military and Non-Military Characters will exist within a hierarchy of Rank; Respecting (or in some cases ignoring) the Chain-of-Command will be an essential part of Roleplay.

_The responsibilities of a Character’s Role will be explained during Tutorial Sessions prior to the Game’s Start. Players will have ample time to learn the Skills needed to carry out their Duties.

_It is possible to allow a Character to change Roles if another Character teaches them the necessary kills, and they do the necessary Training. Characters new to a Role should never be perceived as being more capable than those who originally began within that class.


While Civilian Characters do not fall within the Military Hierarchy, they also possess a notable Chain of Command. Especially within the Civilian Government, the Outpost Governor will act as the highest Official, with lesser Officials ranking beneath them. Civilian Colonists have very little Authority, and are generally placed below all others. Their obedience to the Military’s Ranking System is purely optional, as they have no personal background, or interest in it.


In addition to Rank, Characters will also have a specific Role that helps to define their activities within the Mission. Some Characters will be Engineers or Scientists, while others will be Crewmembers, or Officers. A Crewmember may be ranked as an Ensign, but possess his Role of helmsman of the SS Einstein. In every case, they will be tasked with a set of responsibilities as outlined in their Character Bio’s.


The ability to perform these Responsibilities will depend greatly on the Training Session that each Character will receive before the commencement of the Event. In the hours before Game Time, Players will be Briefed by Starbase 1 Staff Members according to Character Roles. In some cases, this may involve familiarizing Players with specific props or locations, while others will be introduced to specific Software essential to their Character. In every case, these Tutorials will allow a Player time to gain the necessary expertise, to do their Job well, once the Mission begins.



Acts of great Service and Heroism are always to be Rewarded, and it is possible for Players to be awarded with a greater Rank while serving in the line of duty. This should not be commonplace, however, and generally requires the Permission of the Fleet’s Admiral. When this happens, the character will earn the Respect and Prestige of their new Rank.



As a General Rule, the three highest-ranking Characters in Starbase 1 are the Fleet Admiral, the Civilian Outpost Governor, and the SS Einstein’s Captain (who ranks below the Admiral). Conversions between Military and Civilian Rank are left deliberately ambiguous, and should ultimately create tension between Characters. After all, who really leads the fleet – the Governor or the Admiral?


Because these Skills depend almost exclusively on the ability to carry them out, it is possible that – as the Game progresses – Characters may instruct others in how to do their Job. In this way, it is possible that a Civilian Colonist could be drafted into the Starfleet Mission to assist a Terminal Repair– an important opportunity if the existing Techs are unavailable. Many Players — including those in Civilian and Command Roles — may already be trained in tasks during Pre-game Tutorials to correspond to their past backstory. For the purposes of Roleplay, such opportunities present challenges In-Character; Reassignment should be met with opposition, or Support from others, and always with the Permission of those in Authority. Most importantly, shifting Characters into a new Role, should never give them superiority to those who were originally assigned that Role. A Colonist-turned-Engineer should attempt to be less-skilled than the Engineers who began in that Role, even if it means Roleplaying a degree of incompetence.



A big part of Gameplay will involve Away Missions to Science and Research Stations, or in Space. While all of the Factions have access to Warp travel, it is relatively slow, and takes hours to get from System to System. One of the Starport Industries, the Spacer Collective, has Shuttles that are able to warp across space instantaneously - this Corp hires out these Shuttles to PC Teams, so that they can go on Missions. Player Teams can hire a Shuttle for a timed slot to jump to an agreed destination - this gives the Plot Teams time to prep the Mission in advance. Some Missions will be purely Spaceship-based (which will be simulated using a room fitted out to run the Spaceship Bridge Simulator Game with customized, In-Character Scenarios) or could involve travel to a Planet and Transporting down to do a ground-based Mission. One of the Factions, the Commonality, will have an alternative method of visiting other Planets - they have Psionically active Plants that can be attuned (via a ceremony) to open a Portal after a set time (basically the prep time for the thing they want to do).

Mission Examples

§  Join an Away Team on a Mission, fly to a different Planets, beam down, Repair or Replace Equipment on a distant, remote Planet Outpost.

§  Destroy an incoming Asteroid that will impact the inhabited World.

§  Assist a beleaguered Shuttle.

§  Rescue some Player Characters whose Shuttle was destroyed.

§  Intercept and destroy Hostile Aliens/Space Pirates, or whatever.

§  Transport to a Planet, and investigate, or cure an unknown Disease.

§  Transport to a Planet surface and Survey/Collect some strange unknown substances. FOR SCIENCE!

§  Transport to a Planet surface, hunt some obscure Element and harvest its rare and precious s for a Vaccine.

§  Investigate various sites on the Planet suitability for Mining.

§  Scout the inhabitants of a newly discovered Alien Colony.

§  Uncover ancient Ruins, and prevent the looting the Artifacts within.

§  Evacuate a compromised spy before they are caught and interrogated by another Faction's police.

Players can also send Messages via the Spacer Federation's wormhole network to Teams, Command, as well as NPCs elsewhere, but there will be no Real-Time Conversations with Offworld NPCs (for Game Logistical reasons).

Local Issues

Every Event will be set on the same specific Planet, which will have Local Plot and Opportunities for the Players to gain Resources, or improve their own and their Faction's Reputation with the Locals. The precise agreement between the Locals, Starfleet and the Starport Industries Corporation is usually laid out in advance. Usually each event will take place on a different planet, and the local issues will form an overarching plot thread for that event that everyone can get involved in if they choose.

Example local issues might include;

§  A Mining Outpost has unleashed strange hostile Aliens from deep within the Planet, and is looking for help dealing with them.

§  A Network of bizarre Ruins has been found by an Archaeological Expedition, and Starfleet is invited to look into them.

§  A Territory dispute has arisen between two Colony Settlements over the recently uncovered Dilithium Resource – the largest share of which will be given to the group that helps the most.

Appearance and Themes

A wide range of Science Fiction Media, but the Main Pitch lies somewhere between Star Trek, the Star Wars series, and Firefly/Serenity inspires the setting. There is a lot of visual divergence info between each Faction available on their Brief for Costume and Technology, and they are intended to have signature looks that make the Members of each one discernible at a glance.

Although the styles of the Game have borrowed from a number of well-known Sci Fi genres, the final mix is intended to be a unique setting, and we encourage Players to design Characters and Costumes that works within the Setting. For our part, we have created Guidance for the look that we are going for with each Faction, and are in the process of creating examples of In-Game items that fit within the setting, as well as a range of Science Fiction Set-Pieces.

Most standard LARP weapons and armor types will be usable in Starbase 1 LARP - melee weapons are a viable choice, as are shields and projectile weapons such as bows and crossbows of less than 30lbs draw. Energy weapons are Physrepped in the game by Nerf-style dart guns. All energy weapon physreps must use foam darts with compressible rubber heads (similar to the Nerf Elite Dart - Light and Medium energy weapons fire the smaller versions of these darts, while Heavy energy weapons can only use their abilities with the larger “Mega” versions. Darts with flat rubber tips, suctions cups or similar are not allowed. Building some form of eye protection into your character kit, while not mandatory, is strongly encouraged.

Items & Economics

One of the main Goals of the Game will be attempting to earn Money, improve your Equipment, and use Cash to further your IC goals. There are some high-end Services offered by Starport Industries, which will require a lot of IG Money to Purchase (even one-shot resurrections). Basic Equipment is fairly cheap, and Teams will do Online Training as well as well as upgrade Profiles between Events. Engineers and Scientist Characters can modify Equipment, and perform Research to improve their Gear or unlock the Secrets of forgotten Technology, but these things need to be maintained, and the cost increases the more extensively an item has been improved. The idea is that there are numerous diverse components to the Game - Faction Politics, individual Status, building networks of Contacts, Research and Discovery, gathering knowledge and making things, but a lot of these activities can be made easier by having and spending IC Money.

In the Sci-Fi Genre, Technology and how it is used is often an important part of the story. Starbase 1 LARP makes substantial use of items as the source of Special Powers and Abilities rather than innate Powers like Magic or Superpowers. There are a wide range of Game Item Types that Players can acquire, and modify in order to help them achieve their Mission Goals, and affect the Game Setting. See the Game Page for more details.

Core Design Principles

Freedom and Flexibility

The Game is designed to allow Players room to create interesting Concepts, cool Physreps, and do things that make changes to the Setting that endure.

§  The scale of the System will be focused on the Actions of Individuals and Teams, rather than Nations and Empires.

§  A Legal System flexible enough to be a Threat (and to discourage Players from killing NPC Functionaries), while at the same time not completely suppressing Assassination PvP.

§  Preserve the opportunity to revisit planets from previous games, so that plots initiated there can be followed up at later events. Once a planet enters the general game knowledge, it can be revisited.

§  Vulcan race abilities to encourage cool and unique Physreps and Prosthetics, but their social downsides should prevent them becoming ubiquitous.

§  Flexibility on the back-end, with mechanics and systems in place to allow player freedom, while giving enough constraints to prevent the Game Team imploding with stress at events.


Immersive and Collaborative Setting

A key element of the Science Fiction Genre is Exploration of the Unknown. The Setting has been envisioned to allow for uncovering not only new Worlds, and strange phenomena, but more Information about the History of Sentient Life in the Galaxy.

§  Faction Races that are strong and distinctive, and give advantages to Players who Role Play them, but room left for People who want to do their own thing (the Free Union offers this flexibility of concepts).

§  The Setting and Background leaves room for new Threats and Opportunities to come from - the first wave of Federation Habitation & Terraforming Probe distance lies beyond the domain of the established Empires.

§  We encourage Players and Crew to add to the depth of the Game Setting in a Positive, Collaborative way. This is reflected in Players being able to submit Profiles as a Vulcan Species, but is intended to stretch beyond that - if you have a cool idea that you think will add to the Game, we encourage you to Contact Us, and we can work with you to try and incorporate your idea into the Setting.


Logistics and Longevity

Systems have been created to prevent the game becoming stale or impossible to run in the long term. Setting, theme and game mechanics are designed to make it easier on the Game Team to handle multiple plot threads, on-the-fly linear and support the other design goals.

§  A wide range of Linear Missions available, but not total freedom to go anywhere at any time as the means of transport (Federation Shuttles) needs to be hired. Missions are cued by Plot Drops, or Public Information Posts (on a bounty board), and Players will be able to choose which ones to go on and when, but this flexibility will require prep time, so total freedom (Player-owned Shuttles are able to go anywhere) is impractical. FTL Travel is structured to give a reason for why using the Hired Shuttles is necessary, so that they can be booked to give warning in advance.

§  Combat will be gritty, tense and story-driven, but fairly infrequent. Characters are relatively hard to Kill off, but Healing is slow. Missions should give opportunities to pull out and leave, with slow accumulation of Walking Wounded Characters, or needing to take Breaks instead of a Resource Consumption/Total Party Kill precipice (when instant Healing means you keep going, and going until you run out of Healing, then everyone Dies).

§  No specific set-piece Combats (such as mandatory large Battles) demanding realistic Plot Reasons, as this often becomes tired, and thin over time.

§  A focus on Equipment as the source of Special Abilities to Level the Playing Field a bit after a few years of Power Creep. More experienced Characters should have more options available to them, but not be invincible for dedicated Newbies. More powerful Equipment, also costs more to maintain - cash should constantly drain out of the System as Player Characters improve their Gear. Surplus Equipment found on Missions can be used by PCs, or sold to Starport Industries - in most cases it is a Liability otherwise.



Upcoming Events

§  Event 1 “Discovery” - 15-17th of May 2022 at Outpost Camp near Mojave Spaceport.

§  Event 2 “First Contact” - 17th-19th of July 2022 at Outpost Camp near Mojave Spaceport.

§  Event 3 “The Peace Accords” - 2nd-4th of October 2022 at Outpost Camp near Mojave Spaceport.


Information Forms

When you attend one of our events, you will need to have a Character and a Team. We also need some Out-of-Character information from you for safety reasons (see our Privacy Policy for details of what we do with this information). We gather this information using the following series of Google Forms. Note that you cannot create a character without first having booked a ticket for one of our events. Once you have booked at ticket, we send you a Player ID number that you can then use to fill out the following forms.

§  New Team Form

§  New Character Form

§  OOC Details Form


What Happens At Events

Starbase 1 LARP events are gatherings of Companies, Crews and Individuals from across the four Factions, usually invited by a group of Starport Industries with interests in the local star system. Typically one or more Starport Industries will have a direct stake in what is going on on the planet that the event is held on, and will enter into a joint venture with the others to host a gathering of contractors, experts, mercenaries and troubleshooters (the players).

Before the event, the Starport Industries set up a hub area with various facilities, as well as four Faction camps. Once the event starts, the Starport Industries and possibly locals will have tasks that they need done, and are willing to reward those who can do them - with money, assistance, renown or rare items. The majority of tasks will be published on a Bounty Board in the Hub area, although most parties who need things done will have a few secret missions that they will only offer to those who they trust. Tasks and Missions might require ongoing work on site, transporting to other areas on the Planet, or even hiring a Shuttle from the Spacer Collective, capable of Jumping vast distances in the blink of an eye.



Missions might take the form of Bounties, or specific goals handed down by the faction representatives to their trusted Members. Some Missions will be ongoing throughout the weekend, others might have to be done at a specific time. Most crucially, and unlike other LARP systems, Player Characters are not assigned specific slots to do specific things. Individuals and Crews will be able to undertake and complete missions and claim their bounties as and when they become available in the local area, or by hiring slots on Federation Shuttle to go and complete Away Missions. As to the ongoing Plot behind each Missions - some may progress in one way or another if the Mission is completed (or not completed), while others may just roll on to the next Event. It is up to the Players to prioritize what they want to do, and when.


Bounties are publicly listed tasks with publicly listed rewards for those who complete them, and are generally facilitated by the Clearance Organization, who will maintain a listing of available bounties and keep it updated. The first person or crew to claim the bounty, providing evidence (which could be a ship's log recording), gets the reward. Some bounties will be ongoing throughout the weekend - for example, Advanced Armaments have been known to offer a standing reward for each piece of unknown alien tech brought to them.

Usually, the specific faction or Starport Industries offering the bounty can be approached for additional information about it. Some bounties may not be possible to complete at any given event, and might require several events worth of planning, investigating or accumulating equipment before they can even be undertaken.

Player characters can place Bounties - for tasks, items, services or even people if they wish. The Clearance Organization representative is happy to talk to any character about any bounties they might wish to post.

Hiring Federation Shuttles

The Federation will have one or more Shuttles available for hire in one-hour slots throughout the weekend. Hire Slots are issued on a first-come-first-serve basis, and usually released in clusters for that day. You can buy multiple slots, and will be issued a voucher for each one you buy. Vouchers can be transferred, sold, auctioned, traded or lost, but whoever wants to use the voucher must inform the Collective representative of their destination at least an hour before their slot (so the Collective can compute the impact, and the Game Team can prep what needs to be prepped). The Voucher can be lost or transferred after this point, but whoever has it can board the Shuttle and jump to the pre-arranged location. If the voucher is completely lost, then either the slot is wasted (no refunds) or the person who bought the slot can redeem some of their down-payment by signing an affidavit saying that the voucher has been lost, and the Collective will then re-issue it (for the original payment).

At the beginning of a hire slot, the crew report to the Starship Bridge, represented by an instance of Spaceship Bridge Simulator. They will then transport to the computed destination to complete their Mission - which could be purely in Space, or also involve teleporting down to the Planet, and doing things there also (similar to linear Adventures in other LARP Systems).


There is rarely any official Law Enforcement at Events, beyond what People are willing to Pay to have enforced. Characters and Starport Industries may post Bounties for the Apprehension, or Punishment of Troublemakers. Starport Industries are loath to intervene unless they are attacked directly, but they do have an interest in keeping generally good order at Events.


A Character's Reputation is one of their most important Assets. While Reputation and Status with certain Factions and Starport Industries can be bought as skills, it is also affected by someone's behavior towards that Team at an Event. Reputation is the key to many hidden doors - from special discounts to secret Assignments and rare opportunities. Characters with good Reputation may have special privileges such as being able to take out loans, etc.


At Events, there will be a good number of NPCs who are there to facilitate the Game and help Players Roleplay, and find things to do.

Faction Representatives

Each Faction will have one or more Representatives, NPCs who serve as a connection with the Faction's authorities. These NPCs are primarily there to help out their Facion's players, signpost them towards things they might be interested in, and serve as exemplars of that Faction's culture and themes. If you are at a loss for something to do, or just need a bit of help, your Faction Representative should be your first port of call.

Starport Industries Representatives

Starport Industries Representatives are the Hosts of each Event. There will usually be a few prominent Starport Industries NPCs hanging around the hub area, offering various Services and facilitating Missions. There may also be lower-ranked NPCs, usually in plain Jumpsuits, with Starport Industries ID Patches - these are typically Game Team Members, doing OOC facilitation of the Game, but they are still present within the Game World.



Combat Skills Combat skills represent your Character's abilities to Fight, endure Pain and use Combat Equipment. These Skills are generally used in LARP Combat, although some will have utility in other situations. Most do not have any application in downtime.

Combat Skills                             Cost                 Ability

Toughness                                   2+                   Grants +1 locational Body Hit per Rank.

Resilience                                   1+                    Your Death Count is extended by 100

  seconds per Rank.

Dual Weapons Training               2                      You can fight with two Weapons


Shield Training                            2                      You can use Shields to block Attacks.

Large Melee Weapon Training    2                     You can use large Melee Weapons

Projectile Weapon Training        4                      You can use a Projectile Weapon.

Thrown Weapons Training         1                      You can use thrown weapons.

Med Energy Weapon Training    2                      You can use a medium energy weapon

Hvy Energy Weapon Training     2*                     You can use a heavy energy weapon.

Medium Armor Training              2                      You can wear Medium Armor effectively

  (2 locational hits).

Heavy Armor Training                 2*                     You can wear heavy Armor effectively (3

  locational hits).

Steel Nerves                               2+                    Reduce the duration of FREEZE calls that

  affect you by 5 seconds.

Steel Head                                  2+                    Reduce the duration of KNOCKOUT calls that

  affect you by 5 seconds.

Steel Viscera                               2+                    Double the progression Time of Toxins &

  Diseases that affect you, better chances in



+ - Can be acquired multiple times. Cost increases by 1 point each time.

* - Prerequisite skill required.





Each rank of the Toughness Skill taken grants you +1 Locational Body Hit. Every rank you purchase increases the cost by one Character Point.




Each Rank of the Resilience skill taken extends your Death Count by 100 seconds. Every Rank you purchase increases the Cost by one Character Point.


Dual Weapons Training


Dual Weapons Training allows you to wield a weapon in your off-hand and make attacks with it. You cannot dual-wield Weapons that require 2 hands to use.


Shield Training


Shield Training allows you to use a Shield in your off-hand. You can use a Shield to block attacks and Energy Weapons Fire, but cannot use one to make Attacks. Physically impacting or barging another Player with a Shield is not permitted. If you are under fire by Energy Weapons impacting your Shield, you cannot move except to Hide behind your Shield, or slowly Retreat.


Large Melee Weapon Training


With Large Melee Weapon Training, you may use great weapons or pole weapons 42”-84“ in length, held in both hands. You may also use pike-style Weapons, which are more than 85”-108“ long, but must have a thrust-safe tip and only be used for thrusting, and held in both hands.


Projectile Weapon Training


With Projectile Weapon Training, you may use crossbows and bows checked as being suitable for LRP (which must have no more than a 30lb full draw). If you intend to use this skill then you must attend a safety briefing at the start of the Event. Improper use of a Bow or Crossbow may result in your Character being stripped of this Skill.


Thrown Weapons Training


With Thrown Weapons Training, you may throw LARP-safe throwing weapons to deal a single point of Damage. Thrown Weapons must be at least 8” long in one dimension, constructed from coreless Foam, and must represent actual Weapons - Knives, Darts, Saw Blades, etc. “Thrown weapons” resembling Rocks, Cheese, Fish and other novelty items cannot be used as Thrown Weapons.


Medium Energy Weapon Training


You may use Medium Energy Weapons – NERF dart guns with an ammo capacity of 10 or more darts, a clip system or a powered firing mechanism. Note that any energy weapon Physreps that use a Clip system are considered to be Medium Energy Weapons, even if the clip you are currently using has a capacity of less than 10 darts.


Heavy Energy Weapon Training


You may use Heavy Energy Weapons – NERF dart guns that fire large MEGA-style darts. You must have Medium Energy Weapon Training to purchase this skill.

Medium Armor Training


You may wear Medium Armor, which provides 2 locational hits.


Heavy Armor Training


You may wear Heavy Armor, which provides 3 locational hits. You must have Medium Armor Training to purchase this skill.


Steel Nerves


Your nervous system is hardened by repeated exposure to numbing agents, and has become more resistant to them. For each rank of Steel Nerves you possess, you may decrease the duration of FREEZE calls that affect you by 5 seconds. If this would reduce the duration of the call to 0 seconds or less, then you must call RESIST and Roleplay bracing yourself against the Attack. Every rank you purchase increases the cost by one Character Point.


Steel Head

You have developed the ability to remain conscious and reduce the effect of stunning agents, either by training or sheer exercise of Will. For each Rank of Steel Head you possess, you may decrease the duration of KNOCKOUT  that Affect you by 5 seconds. If this would reduce the duration to 0 seconds or less, then you must call RESIST, and Roleplay bracing yourself against the Attack. Every Rank you acquire increases the Cost by one Character Point.

Steel Viscera

Your Constitution has become more resilient, and resistant to Diseases and Toxins, slowing their progression in your Body. The progression time of Toxin and Disease Conditions is doubled, and for each additional Rank of this Skill that you possess, it is increased by the same amount again. For example, if you were affected by a Toxin which progressed to the next Stage in 1 hour, then with 1 rank of this Skill it would progress in 3 hours, with 2 ranks it would take 3 hours, with 3 ranks it would take 4 hours, etc. Every Rank you acquire increases the Cost by one Character Point.

In addition, if you are the Patient in a Surgery, every Rank you have in the Steel Viscera Skill adds one Green Scan to the Treatment Option. This makes it more likely that the Surgery will succeed, and reduces the Risk of bad things happening.



Surgery is one of the uses of the Physician Skill, and provides opportunities for tense Medical Roleplay.

Physicians can perform Surgery to treat some Conditions - Broken Bones, some Infections, Infestation by horrible Alien Parasites, etc. Surgery does carry some risk, however, and may fail, or even have negative consequences. The Condition Scan will indicate the type of Surgery required, and whether any additional resources like Medicaments, or other requirements are needed.

Having more ranks in Physician makes a surgery more likely to succeed, as does working with a team of other Physicians or on a patient with the Psionicskill. Some Conditions might be more challenging or risky to try and remove, particularly complex or life-threatening ones. As a surgery progresses, unless the Condition is repaired quickly, the risks increase more and more, and an unlucky surgeon must eventually choose to stop working or continue and potentially risk a patient's life.
