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Ticket Sale starts 1/1/2024

Tier 1-3 Characters Playable
Price $150  ($50 DEPOSIT REQUIRED)

Ticket includes:

  • Accommodation (Wed to Sun including 2 Out-of-Game Nights and 2 In-Game Nights). Accommodation might vary from Sleeping Shipboard Bunk to 2-Person Tent with Bunks
  • Meals (4 Meals a Day from Thu to Sat, and one Meal on Wed and Sun)
  • Self-Written Character including History, Plots, Tasks, and Contacts. Characters are Cast based on a Casting Questionnaire
  • Awesome fully propped Location
  • Workshops and Briefings before the LARP
  • After-Party with Free Soft Drinks and Snacks
  • Starbase 1 Commemorative T-Shirt
  • Guaranteed Character in one of four Character Divisions
  • Priority Deposit Entry (Spot confirmed upon Deposit Paid)
  • Our enormous gratitude


Ticket Sale starts 1/1/2024

Tier 2-3 Characters Playable
Price $100 

Ticket includes:

  • Accommodation (Wed to Sun including 2 Out-of-Game Nights and 2 In-Game Nights). Accommodation might vary from Crew Sleeping Bunk, to Self-Camp
  • Meals Available in the Mess Hall, 24 hrs a Day (4 Meals a Day from Thu to Sat, and one Meal on Wed and Sun)
  • Self-Written Character including History, Plots, Tasks and Contacts for LARP. Characters are Cast based on Casting Questionnaire
  • Awesome fully propped Location
  • Workshops and Briefings before LARP
  • After-Party with Free Soft Drinks and Snacks ​





Ticket Sale starts 1/1/2024

Tier 1-3 Characters Playable

Price $75  ($50 DEPOSIT REQUIRED)

Ticket includes:

  • In-Game App - Communications, Tricorder (Android only)
  • Accommodation (Wed to Sun including 2 Out-of-Game Nights and 2 In-Game Nights). Accommodation might vary from Sleeping Shipboard Bunk to 2-Person Tent with Bunks
  • Meals (4 Meals a Day from Thu to Sat, and one Meal on Wed and Sun)
  • Self-Written Character including History, Plots, Tasks, and Contacts. Characters are Cast based on a Casting Questionnaire
  • Awesome fully propped Location
  • Workshops and Briefings before the LARP
  • After-Party with Free Soft Drinks and Snacks
  • Starbase 1 Commemorative T-Shirt
  • Guaranteed Character in one of four Character Divisions
  • Priority Deposit Entry (Spot confirmed upon Deposit Paid)
  • Our enormous gratitude


Ticket Sale starts 1/1/2024

Tier 2-3 Characters Playable
​Price $50

Ticket includes:

  • Accommodation (Wed to Sun including 2 Out-of-Game Nights and 2 In-Game Nights). Accommodation might vary from Crew Sleeping Bunk, to Self-Camp
  • Meals Available in the Mess Hall, 24 hrs a Day (4 Meals a Day from Thu to Sat, and one Meal on Wed and Sun)
  • Pre-Written Character including History, Plots, Tasks and Contacts for LARP. Characters are Cast based on Casting Questionnaire
  • Awesome fully propped Location
  • Workshops and Briefings before LARP
  • After-Party with Free Soft Drinks and Snacks ​





Ticket Sale starts /12/1/2024

Tier 1-3 Characters Playable

Price $500  ($150 DEPOSIT REQUIRED)

Ticket includes:

  • Accommodation (Wed to Sun including 2 offgame nights and 2 ingame nights). Accommodation might vary from sleeping mat to mattress
  • Meals (4 meals a day from Thu to Sat and one meal on Wed and Sun)
  • Pre-written character including history, plots, tasks, and contacts. Characters are cast based on a Casting Questionnaire
  • Awesome fully propped Location
  • Workshops and briefings before the LARP
  • After-party with free Soft Drinks and Snacks
  • Starbase 1 Uniform-Shirt
  • Guaranteed character in one of four favourite character groups
  • Priority Entry (Spot confirmed upon Ticket Purchase)
  • Our enormous gratitude 


Ticket Sale starts 1/1/2024

Price $500  ($100 DEPOSIT REQUIRED)

Ticket includes:

  • 10 x 10 Vending Space (Wed to Sun including 2 oOut-of-Game Nights and 2 In-Game Nights). Location might vary from Space to Spce
  • Two General Admission Tickets
  • Meals Available in the Mess Hall, 24 hrs a Day (4 Meals a Day from Thu to Sat, and one Meal on Wed and Sun)
  • Self-Written Character including History, Plots, Tasks and Contacts for the LARP. Characters are Cast based on Casting Questionnaire
  • Awesome fully propped Location
  • Workshops and Briefings before LARP
  • After-Party with Free Soft Drinks and Snacks ​

Tickets do not include:



VIP Character Tickets become available December 9th 2023 at 8 p.m. PST. There are a maximum of 40
Tier 1 VIP Character Tickets for each Event. The Ticket is paid in full upon Purchase, and your Spot is confirmed upon receiving a Confirmation Email after the Purchase has been completed. Tier 1 VIP Character Tickets are available until the sign-up for Standard Tickets ends (on December 23rd at 9 p.m.) or until 40 of them have been Purchased. We want to offer our Players a chance to support the Project, and to allow our most enthusiastic Players to confirm their spot. For these reasons, we decided to have 40% of the Tickets available as Character Tickets.     


tandard Character Tickets become available December 9th 2023 at 8 p.m. PST. There are a maximum of 40 Standard Character Tickets for each run. The Ticket is paid in full upon Purchase, and your spot is confirmed upon receiving a Confirmation Email after the Purchase has been completed. Standard Character Tickets are available until the sign-up for VIP Tickets ends (on December 23rd at 9 p.m.) or until 40 of them have been purchased. We want to offer our Players a chance to Support the Project, and to allow our most enthusiastic Players to confirm their Spot. For these reasons, we decided to have 40% of the Tickets available as Standard Character Tickets. 


tandard Character Tickets become available December 9th 2023 at 8 p.m. PST. There are a maximum of 40 Standard Character Tickets for each run. The Ticket is paid in full upon Purchase, and your spot is confirmed upon receiving a Confirmation Email after the Purchase has been completed. Standard Character Tickets are available until the sign-up for VIP Tickets ends (on December 23rd at 9 p.m.) or until 40 of them have been purchased. We want to offer our Players a chance to Support the Project, and to allow our most enthusiastic Players to confirm their Spot. For these reasons, we decided to have 40% of the Tickets available as Standard Character Tickets. 


NPC Character Tickets become available December 9th 2023 at 8 p.m. PST. There are a maximum of 40 VIP Character Tickets for each run. The Ticket is paid in full upon Purchase, and your spot is confirmed upon receiving a Confirmation Email after the Purchase has been completed. VIP Character Tickets are available until the sign-up for VIP Tickets ends (on December 23rd at 9 p.m.) or until 40 of them have been purchased. We want to offer our Players a chance to Support the Project, and to allow our most enthusiastic Players to confirm their Spot. For these reasons, we decided to have 40% of the Tickets available as Standard Character Tickets. 


tandard NPC Character Tickets become available December 9th 2023 at 8 p.m. PST. There are a maximum of 40 Standard NPC Character Tickets for each run. The Ticket is paid in full upon Purchase, and your spot is confirmed upon receiving a Confirmation Email after the Purchase has been completed. Standard NPC Character Tickets are available until the sign-up for NPC Tickets ends (on December 23rd at 9 p.m.) or until 40 of them have been purchased. We want to offer our Players a chance to Support the Project, and to allow our most enthusiastic Players to confirm their Spot. For these reasons, we decided to have 40% of the Tickets available as Standard NPC Character Tickets. 


tandard NPC Character Tickets become available December 9th 2023 at 8 p.m. PST. There are a maximum of 40 Standard NPC Character Tickets for each run. The Ticket is paid in full upon Purchase, and your spot is confirmed upon receiving a Confirmation Email after the Purchase has been completed. Standard NPC Character Tickets are available until the sign-up for NPC Tickets ends (on December 23rd at 9 p.m.) or until 40 of them have been purchased. We want to offer our Players a chance to Support the Project, and to allow our most enthusiastic Players to confirm their Spot. For these reasons, we decided to have 40% of the Tickets available as Standard NPC Character Tickets. 



Sponsor Tickets become available December 9th 2023 at 8 p.m. PST. There are a maximum of 40 sponsor tickets for each run. The ticket is paid in full upon purchase, and your spot is confirmed upon receiving a confirmation email after the purchase has been completed. Sponsor tickets are available until the sign-up for standard tickets ends (on December 23rd at 9 p.m.) or until 40 of them have been purchased. We want to offer our players a chance to support the project and to allow our most enthusiastic players to confirm their spot. For these reasons, we decided to have 40% of the tickets available as sponsor tickets.      


Standard PC/NPC Ticket
We have a Sign-Up period of one Week. In order to Sign-Up for the LARP, we ask you to fill a form where we ask your Name, Email, Nationality, Age, Gender (Male, Female, Other), LARP Experience, and favored Character Division. The Sign-Up for VIP Tickets starts on December 16th 2023 at 1 p.m and ends a week later on December 23rd 2023 at 9 p.m - or earlier if we receive a huge overflow of sign ups, however not until Monday evening December 17th.
Standard Tickets starts on December 16th at 1 p.m and ends a week later on December 23rd at 9 p.m - or earlier if we receive a huge overflow of sign ups, however not until Monday evening December 17th. If possible we will give a heads-up in our Facebook event if we are going to close the sign up early. It is possible to sign up for both runs in same sign up and select the preferred run. Finnish participants should note that we take maximum of ~30 Finnish players in the international run and these spots might be booked as sponsor tickets. Once the sign-up is closed, we will anonymously select the players to all standard ticket spots (60+). We will do the selection anonymously, but we will consider age, gender, experience, nationality, and favored character groups to create a balanced game. There are 5 standard spots reserved in both runs for those who contribute in creating the larp. We will inform those selected by January 6th at the latest. Those who have been selected have then one week time to purchase a ticket via the link provided. If the ticket is not purchased by January 14th, the spot will be given forward. If by the December 23rd there are less sign-ups than available spots those signed secure a ticket. After that the sign-up period shall be extended until the larp is full.


Starbase 1 LARP  have agreed to support us. Thus we are able to provide 2 Discount Tickets for both runs supported by them! On top of that we have decided to offer 2 more Discount Tickets for each run funded from our budget to match the supported Tickets from (TBD)! Due the confirmation of the third run and extra Sponsor Tickets sold, we have further increased the number of Discount Tickets for the total of 5 in each run. So there will be 15 Discount Tickets in total divided evenly between the runs, four of them sponsored by (TBD)! 

The Discount Tickets will still require the $50 Deposit, and the balance can be paid in two installments. The first installment ($50) is a Deposit needs to be paid by Jan 14th 2024, and the second (depending on Package chosen) one by Mar 15th 2024. You can apply for the Discount Tickets by ticking the box “I sign up for the Discount Ticket Lottery.” Since the Discount Tickets are aimed for Players who otherwise couldn’t afford to participate, ticking the box means your Sign-up won’t be considered in the lottery for normal price VIP Tickets, but only the Standard ones.


Starport Industries have agreed to Support us. Thus we are able to provide 20 Discount Tickets for both runs supported by them! On top of that we have decided to offer 2 more Discount Tickets for each run, funded from our Budget, to match the Supported Tickets from the Starport Industries! Due the confirmation of the third run, and extra Sponsor Tickets sold, we have further increased the number of Discount Tickets, for the total of 5 in each run. So there will be 15 Discount Tickets in total, divided evenly between the Runs, four of them sponsored by Starport Industries! 

The Discount Tickets will cost $50 and it can be paid in two installments. The first installment ($25) needs to be paid by Jan 14th, and the second ($25) one by Mar 15th 2024. You can apply for the Discount Tickets by ticking the box “I sign up for the Discount Ticket lottery.” Since the Discount Tickets are aimed for players who otherwise couldn’t afford to participate, ticking the box means your sign up won’t be considered in the Lottery for normal price Standard Tickets, but only the discount ones.


If there is excess of Sign-Ups for VIP and Standard Tickets, we will add those that do not get a spot in the first Round on our Waiting List, and Draw Candidates from the List to Offer a Spot in case of Cancellations. It is possible to Sign In on the Waiting List after the original Sign-Up Period has ended, or the Event has Sold Out. 


After the Players have been selected, we will send out the Casting Questionnaire. In the Questionnaire, we will ask what kind of a Character you would like to Play, and what kind of Experience you’re looking for, as well as practical information such as Allergies, and Conditions that affect your Participation. You can get acquainted with our Privacy Policy here.  We will provide information on the Questions asked in Casting Questionnaire and how different Answers affect the Casting Process. Players can fill the Questionnaire by the end of December 2023, and we will do the Casting on February 2nd, 2024. After that, we will send a Short Description of each Character to corresponding Players. Should there be any concerns regarding the Character, Players can Contact us, and we will do our best to address the Issues.  


For the VIP and Standard Tickets, it is possible to pay the Ticket in two Installments, but that will increase the Price of the Ticket by $20. The first part the Deposit ($50) needs to be paid by January 14th 2024, and the second part ($100) by March 15th 2024. It is not possible to pay a Sponsor Tickets in Installments.


The need to replace a Uniform can be varied, so if something comes up, where you are in need of a Back-up/Replacement Uniform, the Replacement Cost is provided with the short Character Description. The Replacement Fee should be Paid in full by February 1st 2024, and as all the Purchases have been made, we cannot refund the Replacement Uniform Cost in case of a Cancellation.


We do not allow Direct Reselling of the Tickets. If a Player needs to Cancel their Participation in the LARP, please inform us, and we will find a replacement from our Waiting List first. If the Player Cancels Participation prior to February 1st 2024, we will refund up to 75% of the ticket price. This means that Standard tickets paid in one part are fully refunded, but for Standard tickets paid in two parts the extra $20 is not refunded, and for sponsor tickets, the extra $100 is not refunded. If the player cancels the participation after May 1st, we cannot guarantee a refund, but up to $100 might be refunded and is discussed case by case. If the player cancels after June 15th, we cannot make any refunds. Travelling costs and other loss of income is not refunded in case of cancellation.


We Reserve the Right to Decline the Participation of any specific Player to the LARP if we deem them dangerous, or harmful to the LARP, or other Participants. If we should Exercise this Right, we will inform the Participant in Question as soon as the Decision has been made. We will Refund the Ticket Cost in Full (including Sponsor Ticket, or Ticket Paid in parts), but we do not Refund any Traveling Costs, or other Loss of Income (e.g. Props acquired by the Player).

If our Code of Conduct is broken during the LARP by any of the Participants, we have the Right to remove the Player from the LARP without any Refunds. Get familiar with our Rules and Safety Policies Here!
