Starbase 1

Medical Roleplay Overview

The Medical Division includes all Medical Officers (MO), Chief Medical Officer, First Medical Officer, Senior Medical Officer, Ship's Physician, or Ship's Surgeon was Senior Staff-Level Medical practitioner with Medical Authority who was, by definition, "in Command of Medicine on their assigned Posting. A Nurse could also hold the position of Chief Medical Officer, if no qualified Doctors are available.


The Chief Medical Officer aboard a Starship or Starbase is directly in charge of the Sickbay or Infirmary, commanding Medical Department Personnel and Activities. The CMOs' Primary Duties are the oversight and maintenance of the overall Health, Physical, and Mental Fitness of Crew and Passengers.  Furthermore as Standard Medical Procedure, the CMO has full Medical Authority over any Patient officially admitted into their Care in their Facility, including Superior Officers, until they were formally released from Care.

Officers likely to be assigned as the CMO over long-duration Missions of Exploration have Scientific Training in Disciplines outside of Medicine, allowing them to take on major, extended Research Projects, or to better participate in a wider variety of Encounters.

A Medical Practitioner or Medical Expert is an Individual skilled in the Science of Medicine, who specifically provides Health Care Services and Advice. The designations and responsibilities of Medical Officers, Medical Staff or Medical Personnel varied by their level of Expertise, and included such Occupations as Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, Apothecaries, Nurses, Midwives, Psychologists, and Psychiatrists.




The Chief Medical Officer or ship's surgeon is a mid-level staff position, typically held by a STARFLEET Officer who is a doctor of medicine with surgical skills. A nurse could also hold this position if no qualified doctors were available. Chief medical officers were also referred to as the "ship's surgeon" in the 23rd and 24th centuries.


Specific Duties

CMOs aboard a Starship or Starbase are directly in charge of the Sickbay or Infirmary, commanding Medical Department Personnel and activities. The CMOs primary Duties are the oversight and Maintenance of the overall Health and Physical Fitness of Crew and Passengers. Furthermore, as per Standard Medical Procedure, the CMO has full Medical Authority over any Patient officially admitted into their Care in their Facility, including Superior Officers, until they are formally released from Care.


Officers likely to be assigned as the CMO over long-duration missions of exploration must have scientific training in disciplines outside of medicine, allowing them to take on major, extended research projects, or to better participate in a wider variety of encounters.


Medical Authority

In addition to the normal duties of an officer, Starfleet Order 104 Section C gives CMOs the power to relieve an officer or crewman, including a superior one, of their duties if, in the CMO's professional judgment, the officer in question is medically unfit. The CMO in question would need to officially certify and provide evidence of unfitness at a subsequent board of inquiry. Typically, the CMO is expected to have the support of a senior command officer or detailed medical documentation to justify this course of action. The chief medical officer can impose medical physicals upon crewmembers if the mission lasts more than two weeks.


The CMO also seemed to have the authority to order officers to do things that would be beneficent to their health, like sleeping. In the 23rd century, chief medical officers certified the health of research personnel on alien planets on a yearly interval.


Chapter Duties

As the CMO for your Chapter, you will be asked to submit a monthly MSR to your XO or CO detailing any Medical activities aboard the Chapter. These reports are then forwarded onto Starfleet Medical at Fleet level. It is asked of, but not expected, of the CMO to actively promote the Surgeon General and the Region Assistant Surgeon General / Chief Medical Officers goals for the forthcoming year.


You will be expected as per Starfleet regulations to have at least 40% of the Crew trained in Emergency Medical Procedures.


Medical  OFFICER

Medical Officers undertake the majority of the work aboard the ship/facility, examining the crew, and administering medical care under the instruction of the Chief Medical Officer also run the other Medical areas not directly overseen by the Chief Medical Officer.



Nurses provide vital patient care within a medical department aboard a Starship, Outpost or Starbase. Nurses spend a considerable amount of time with their patients and their approach to patient care is based on the strong historical foundation of nurses serving as patient advocates. Working collaboratively with medical officers and other members of the healthcare team, nurses work every day to help their patients maintain their health or recover from ailments.


Nurses also may have held the position of chief medical officer on a starship if no doctor was available.


Chapter Duties

As the Chief Nurse or Nurse for your Chapter, you will be asked to submit a report for the CMO’s monthly MSR detailing any real-life medical activities that you may have undertaken.




Counselors act as general overseers of the crew's mental well-being. They give advice and guidance for personal problems that crewmembers may have. If necessary, they can provide psychiatric and psychological treatment and care. Counselors can also refer clients too the medical personnel for more conventional treatments.


They work closely with the Chief Medical Officer. Counselors also work frequently with the command staff of a starship or installation in other roles beyond personal Counseling. Counselors perform crew evaluations and offer career guidance for other Starfleet officers. They are often called on to act as mediators during negotiations and serve as diplomatic officers during contact with other species.


The Counselor:

Should ensure all crew aboard a Starship, Outpost or Starbase maintain adequate mental health.

Could advise the commanding officer and other senior officers in many situations, such as first contact, cultural awareness and hostile encounter experiences.

Could relieve any officer or crewmember of duty where sufficient evidence exists that a person is unable to perform their duties due to a mental condition.


Chapter Duties

As the Chief Counselor / Counselor for your Chapter, you will be asked to submit a report for the CMO’s monthly MSR detailing any real-life medical activities you have undertaken. 24 Morale Officer A Morale officer is a term for a person whose job it is to look after the morale of a crew. Often, the duties of a morale officer coincide with those of a counselor.




The Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) System was designed by a team of Starfleet Medical researchers, headed by Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, after several incidents in which medical care aboard ship was unreasonably compromised - for the simple reason that medical officers are mortal, and suffer injury and illness just as much as their patients. In normal use, the EMH serves as an assistant to the ship’s Medical Staff; in Emergencies, it can operate completely independently of Human Supervision.


The earliest versions of the EMH were designed for emergency use only, placing speed and clinical acumen at a premium; these systems, while technically brilliant, had a characteristically abrasive personality that did not endear them to either medical officers or crews. More advanced versions of the EMH include enhanced interaction Subroutines, allowing for the development of a “bedside Manner.”


Any EMH will develop a unique “personality” with repeated use; a commonly observed trait in the EMH is music appreciation, although the type of music varies widely. (This seems to be influenced by the personalities of the people the EMH interacts with. Left to its own devices, the EMH typically develops a liking for classical music.) Other early signs of personality enhancement in the EMH are alteration of vocal subroutines (the system may not always initiate with “Please state the nature of the medical emergency?”) and desire for a name (although most EMH units prefer simply to be called “Doctor”).


While the core functions of the EMH are hard-written into the computer core and cannot be altered, personality functions can, and many Starfleet medical officers hasten the process of EMH personality enhancement by replacing or revising the system’s interaction modules as needed, and officially unsanctioned but popular procedure. Personality can also be enhanced by allowing the EMH more control over its function.


EMH systems, while invulnerable to disease and injury, can be adversely affected by several factors. The most common of these is EMH matrix degradation over extended periods of usage; in extreme cases, the system will develop a memory instability similar to the human neurological disorder Alzheimer’s disease, necessitating complete replacement of the EMH system. This can be prevented by regular system maintenance. (Good luck in getting the EMH to comply, though; as, like any good Doctor, the EMH makes a truly rotten Patient.) As the EMH develops an integrated personality, it will also learn to form associations with the preferred Crew; a display of preference in a clinical setting may lead to a cognitive/ethical feedback loop, which can only be broken by erasing the system’s memory of the trigger event. Like any computer system, the EMH is easily affected by computer viruses (note that the system occasionally manifests these as human disease processes). Finally, physical damage to the ship’s computer core can cause complete EMH failure.


The EMH, being a hologram, is limited to areas of the ship where holoemitters have been installed; aboard most vessels, this restricts the EMH to Sickbay, the Holodeck and the Engineering Department. Some work has been done on the feasibility of a mobile Holoemitter, but as of this writing, such a device remains physically impossible to create.



Standard Medical Examination

All Starfleet Personnel aboard your Ship/Station/Facility must receive a Standard Medical Examination from a Member of the Medical Staff before they can be cleared for Duty. Likewise, all Visitors must be cleared by Medical before they are allowed to mix with the General Population.


Standard Medical Examinations should be given to Crewmembers at the following times:

1. When the Crewmember is first posted to the ship/station/facility.

2. When the Crewmember returns from an LOA.

3. When the Crewmember returns from an away mission.

4. If the Crewmember Reports to the Sickbay/Infirmary with any Medical Complaints.

5. At six-Mission intervals thereafter.


Standard Medical Examinations should be carried out according to the following procedure:


Medical Records

The attending Physician should review the Patient’s Medical History before beginning the examination so that they are familiar with any existing medical conditions. For new Personnel: Medical histories should be provided by their previous Chief Medical Officer. For existing Personnel: Medical histories should be accessed from the ship/station/facility medical database. 26


Physical Evaluation Cardiovascular: Heart rate and blood pressure must be within 2% tolerance of the recommended average levels for that species. Blood gas levels and viscosity should be analyzed to ensure adequate distribution to internal organs and establish if there is any risk of embolism.

Pulmonary: Respiratory rate should be within 3% tolerance of the recommended average level for that species. Oxygen intake should be measured and tracked to ensure no obstruction of the airways.


Gastroenterological: Stomach acid levels should be within 0.5% tolerance of the recommended average levels for that species. The digestive tract should be free of obstructions or swelling. Nutritional absorption levels should be tracked and recorded.


Neurological: All Neurological readings (e.g. engrammatic stability, cerebral activity, neurotransmitter levels) should be within 0.1% tolerance of the recommended average levels for that Species. Any variances should be recorded and the Patient admitted to Sickbay/Infirmary while further Scans are run.


Hormonal: All Hormones present should be within 5% tolerance of the recommended average levels for that Species. Any variances between 5 and 10% should be recorded and monitored. Any variances over 10% should be Recorded and the Patient admitted to Sickbay/Infirmary while further Scans are run.


Ocular Evaluation: All crew are required to pass a basic visual acuity test with a minimum score of 60%. A retinal scan should be taken and filed with the patient’s medical history. Scans should be run on all areas of the eyes and optic nerves.


Auditory Evaluation: All Crew are required to pass a basic Auditory Acuity Test with a minimum score of 60%. Scans should be run on all areas of the auditory organs and adjacent nerves.


Psychological Evaluation: A Crewmember may only be cleared for duty if the attending medical officer is satisfied that they are of sound mind and able to make rational judgments.


First Aid allows a character to perform Roleplayed first aid to reset and pause a character's Death Count. First Aid can be bought up to 4 times, and the cost increases by 1 each rank. With one rank in First Aid, you can reset a dying characters Death Count with 30 seconds of Roleplayed action - bandaging, tying a tourniquet, etc. Remember that you must obtain a player's consent to physically touch them - otherwise you must do your Roleplaying at a few inches distance. While you are performing this initial treatment, you cannot perform any other actions, including walking or other movement. Every additional rank of this skill decreases the time needed to reset someone's Death Count by 10 seconds, to a minimum of 5 seconds. So with 1 rank, it takes 30 seconds, with 2 ranks 20 seconds, 3 ranks 10 seconds, and with 4 ranks only 5 seconds.

When you have reached the time required, you may tell the character that you are treating to reset their count to zero - they are still dying, but their count does not increase. After a period of treatment, you may pause their Count at 0 seconds as long as you keep treating them - you must remain close to the character you are treating and check on them every half-minute or so, or else they will resume dying. You should inform the dying character that you are pausing their count while you are administering to them. You may, however, perform other short actions while keeping their count paused (such as moving the body, for instance).


A skilled Medical Player is an Asset to any Crew embarking on dangerous Missions

The Physician Skill can be used in one of three ways - stopping a Death Count, restoring Hits or performing Surgery.  Physicians can perform Emergency Medicine to stop a dying Character's Death Count. This takes 2 minutes (120 seconds) of Roleplayed Surgical action, and requires appropriate (and relatively safe Physreps - no real Knives, Needles or similar) surgical Tools or Devices. You may use this ability on a Character whose Death Count you have paused, and it remains paused while you treat them. Once you have done the required amount of Roleplayed Action, then the dying Character is no longer Dying, and can stop counting their Death Count. Each additional Rank of the Physician Skill you possess, reduces the time required by 20 seconds (to a minimum of 20 seconds). So a Character with 3 Levels in the Medical Division, can stop a Death Count in 80 seconds, and one with 4 Levels in the Medical Division can stop a Death Count in 60 seconds, etc.

Physicians can promote Healing so that Characters can regain lost Hits. A Physician can Supervise up to 5 Characters who are Resting and Recuperating, occasionally performing Roleplayed Medical Activities, and those Characters will regain 1 Hit to a single Location, or one Global Body Hit every 10 minutes. Recuperating Characters cannot Fight, or Perform any strenuous activity, or move faster than a slow Walk within each 10 minute period. Each additional Rank of this Skill increases the number of Hits that the Supervised Characters recover, after each 10 minute period by one.

Physicians can perform Surgery to treat some Conditions - Broken Bones, some Infections, Infestation by horrible Alien Parasites, etc. Surgery can be risky, and may Fail, or even have Negative Consequences for the Patient. Performing Surgery requires a attending Marshall, and at least 6 minutes of Roleplayed Surgery, using appropriate Tools. See the Surgery page for more details.



Surgery is one of the uses of the Physician Skill, and provides opportunities for tense Medical Roleplay.

Physicians can perform Surgery to treat some Conditions - Broken Bones, some Infections, Infestation by horrible Alien Parasites, etc. Surgery does carry some risk, however, and may fail, or even have negative consequences. The Condition Scan will indicate the type of Surgery required, and whether any additional resources like Medicaments, or other requirements are needed.

Having more ranks in Physician makes a surgery more likely to succeed, as does working with a team of other Physicians or on a patient with the Psionic skill. Some Conditions might be more challenging or risky to try and remove, particularly complex or life-threatening ones. As a surgery progresses, unless the Condition is repaired quickly, the risks increase more and more, and an unlucky surgeon must eventually choose to stop working or continue and potentially risk a patient's life.


Medical Character Choices include Nurses, Doctors, Surgeons, Paramedics, Bio-medical Scientists, Coroners etc.





Expected EPs to Advance

Starting (1)

One Basic




Two Basic




Two Basic, One Advanced




Three Basic, One Advanced




Three Basic, One Advanced, One Epic




Three Basic, Two Advanced, One Epic




Three Basic, Three Advanced, One Epic






Character is able to stop the flow of Blood, takes 10 seconds.

Assess Injury

Player can tell the Death Count of an injured Character, needs 5 seconds of Study


Gives detailed Knowledge to a chosen group of living Creatures, for example, Humanoid, Fungi, Furies etc. (May be taken multiple times, but a different Patient must be chosen each time)


Cures a Character of Venoms, takes 30 seconds, and requires Healing afterwards.

Access Medicine Database

The Medic Authorized to access the Ships Medical Database, and how to Produce a Healing Remedy, and may Replicate them on Site.


Character can Extract information from an unwilling Target, this takes approximately 30 seconds per Question.  (If you have the skill Biology it will make this skill quicker to use).



Cure Disease

Character is able to Cure Diseases with the aid of Drugs.

Improved Injury Assessment

Player can tell the Death Count of an injured Character, whether they are Poisoned, and whether they are Diseased needs 5 seconds of Study.  (Requires Assess Injury)  At Refs digression, other information may be given.

Set Break

Character is able to set broken bones.

Improved Sutures

Character can stitch wounds with twice the effectiveness.


Character is able to safely Amputate Limbs, which must then be Staunched.


Takes 200 seconds to complete, must be started within 50 seconds of their Death Count ending.  Head and Body must be healed to at least one hit before starting the resuscitation.


Master Sutures

Character can Stitch Wounds with masterful precision; each Suture now Heals 3 Hit Points.

Re-Attach Limb

Character is able to permanently re-attach Limbs. (Requires appropriate Biology if trying to attach a different Races Limb)


Through analysis of a corpse the Medic can asses the cause of death.  This takes a minimum of 30 seconds. (If you have the skill Biology it will make this skill quicker to use)


Death Count and Death

The standard Death Count is 200 seconds, however you may have a reduced Death Count (for example if you are a Dwarf), or you may increase your Death Count through the basic skill Toughness.  If a location is reduced to zero and is not healed within your Death Count it becomes permanent (see the section on Locations for more details). 

A wounded character should keep track of the length of time he has been wounded.  This is the Death Count.  If a Time-freeze or Time-out is called then the Death Count is suspended until Time-in is called. 

Though you die if your body or head reaches your Death Count, you should continue counting for another 50 seconds.  This is because some characters gain a skill called resuscitate, that will bring you back from death, but only if started in this 50 second period. 

After this grace period, the only way to be brought back to life is by being resurrected, which must be done within a week, but is slow, painful, expensive and most importantly very rare.

Multiple Injuries

Should a character be reduced to 0 hits on two non-lethal locations they should fall unconscious due to shock.  This can be increased through various skills.

Subdual Damage

Subdual damage does not work through metal armour.  If it is used to reduce a location to 0 hits, the hits are automatically healed after 30 seconds. 

However, if a person is rendered unconscious with the ‘Knock Out’ call, they will remain unconscious for 200 seconds.  They cannot be roused.


Any Character may attempt to Wake up another, who is Unconscious by Shaking them/Slapping them/Pouring Water on their Head etc. (though obviously this should be Role-Played, and you should not actually Strike the Person). 

The effect of this is that, if they are not Bleeding, and are not the Subject of another Effect, they will regain Consciousness in 20 seconds.  They may get up immediately, though cannot Fight as they must then Role-play feeling Groggy, and Sluggish for a further 10 seconds. 

A Medic’s Hypospray will rouse a Character in 5 seconds (or faster if the Phys-rep is particularly potent).  The roused Character will then feel light headed, and dizzy for a further 5 seconds, and may then continue normally.

The Character may be roused even if they have 0 Hits, but should Role-Play feeling very Battered and Bruised, and may not Run or overly exert themselves.

Stemming Wounds

Any Character may attempt to Stem the flow of Blood from another Character.  This requires a Person to Role-Play holding the Wound together (i.e. pressing on the wound etc.).  This requires one hand to do it (therefore a person with an Arm Wound can Stem the Flow of Blood on their own Arm using the other Arm), however, no other Actions may be carried out at the same time (e.g. Fighting).  You can only staunch the Flow of Blood from one Wound at once.

The Person attempting to Stem the Wounds of another Character should take over their Death Count, and Count at Half Speed (i.e. 1 thousand thousand, 2 thousand thousand etc.).  If the Stemming is stopped, then the Death Count continues at the Normal Rate.


Any Character can Acquire and aplly Bandages on a Wounded Location, provided that there is not a Bandage there already.  The Bandage should normally go around at least once, and may be over any Armor (so you don’t have to strip down heavily armored Characters). 

The result is that the Person stops Bleeding from the affected location.  If a Character is Bandaged two times or more, on the same location in one day, the Bandaged location will become gangrenous, and need Amputation.

Healing Medicines

All Medical Players in the Game can Produce Medicines, Treatments and other healing measures.  These can be acquired and used by anyone in the Medical Division. 

Some Medics know certain contacts from whom they are able to buy these medicines at a discounted rate.  There are no laws covering the ownership or sales of these items and therefore many Medics sell them at a slightly reduced rate to that of the NPCs.

The most Common Medicines are: 

Universal Hypo – This is the most easily accessible Healing Medicine available.  When used, the Recipient will recover 2 Hit Points to any one Location.

Federation Gash Juice – This is one of the most potent Healing Potions available.  When used, the Recipient will recover 1 Hit Point to each Location.

Federation Body Builder – Relatively new on the market, but when applied to an injured torso, will give back 2 Hit Points.

Federation’s Hand Healing Poultice – Relatively scarce, but when poured on an injured limb will revive 3 Hit Points.

Federation’s Cure-all – Fairly rare, but when taken it will completely remove any Disease, or Poison from your System.

Federation’s Marvellous Medicine – This will Heal a Character completely, back to full Health, purging the Body of Poisons, and Curing any Diseases.

Spring Water – Though technically not a healing Medicine, it will heal 1 Hit Point when Drunk.


Constitution Levels make you immune to certain Poisons.  Most People start with a Constitution level of 0, though Vulcans and Klingons have better resistances.

The Weapon will indicate what Level of Constitution you require to resist its Effect; for example, Single Venom two – would do a single Point of Damage, if this does a Wound then the Person gets affected by Venom IF their constitution is lower than two. 

There are several Poisons which can all be applied to Weapons, though they can only be applied to one Spear, one Dagger, three Throwers or five Arrows.  If a single Wound is taken, then the Poison will enter the Blood System and take effect IF the Wounded has a lower constitution rating than the Poison.

Please remember that Poisons can only be applied to one Dagger, one Spear, three Throwers, or five Arrows/Bolts.




Yikran’s Kiss

(Venom - 1)

This Poison will rend the Target unconscious, and reduce their Death Count by 50%.  It will need to be purged from the Body before the Target will regain Consciousness.

Ghast Blood

(Paralysis - 1)

This is a Non-Lethal Poison and is purged from the Body automatically after 30 seconds.

Westyr’s Bane

(Poison - 1)

This Poison will rend the Target Unconscious but NOT reduce their Death Count.  It will need to be purged from the Body before the Target will regain Consciousness.


There are several known Diseases which can all be contracted though negligence, and stupidity.  You will be told which Disease you have contracted, if you are foolish enough to play with Corpses without leather gloves, or eat contaminated Food. 

A Medic or Doctor of sufficient Rank is able to mix a small Potion, from Drugs, or Herbs respectively, to be able to Cure the Effects of any Disease.  A Medic may do this as quickly as it takes them to mix the Drugs (assuming they are carrying them with them), but a Doctor has to forage for the herbs first.  This will take up to 10 minutes depending on the skills of the Doctor.

Some Characters may gain Skills to become Immune to all mundane Diseases, however, this does not prevent the God’s from cursing them with something particularly Virulent, for example, see Zinlar’s Touch.


Example Disease


Zombie Skank

Incapacitated (through retching/vomiting) every third Encounter, ends at Dawn, Contagious.

Soul Fever

Incapacitated every fifth Encounter, if caught again, every fourth, and so on until Death.

Bloody Vomit

Incapacitated every third Encounter, Death at Dawn.

Zinlar’s Touch

Incapacitated every third Encounter, Death at Dawn, Highly Contagious.

Vulcan Beauty

Reduces your Endurance Level to 1.

Performing Surgery

To perform Surgery, a Physician spends time (at least 6 minutes) Roleplaying Surgical Actions - they must use appropriate Physrepped Tools to do so. They can begin immediately, but require the interactions of a Referee in order to get any results.

A Physician character can only try to cure a specific Condition on a given patient as the Lead Physician once per day. This means that if they choose to stop treatment (usually because of repeated failures increasing the risk of the surgery), they cannot try to treat that Condition again as the Lead Physician (they have exhausted their Personal Knowledge or techniques trying to cure it). They can, however, assist another Character to treat that Condition as Lead Physician later on in the same day.


Any given session of Surgery is divided into three Phases - Starting, Treatment, and Finishing. This is to make the Roleplay make sense, reduce the time that the Surgery requires a dedicated Physician, and provide a good tension curve.

Start Phase

During the Start Phase, the Physician gathers their team and begins the surgery. Any Character with one or more ranks of the Physician Skill may join during the Start Phase, and decide on a Lead Physician. You do not need a Referee to begin surgery, but you do need one to continue past the Start Phase. The Start Phase takes at least 3 minutes of Roleplay - this time is a good time to contact Command. Once at least 3 minutes have passed and the Referee is present, the surgery proceeds to the Treatment Phase. The Lead Physician should identify themselves to Command and provide the following information:

§  How many ranks of Physician they have

§  How many other Physicians are participating

§  What are the Conditions they are treating

§  Anything else that is relevant

Treatment Phase

During the Treatment Phase, the Physician or team of Physicians does the surgery needed to remove the Condition, but this can be a risky process. The risk in this case is represented by a Medical Scan from the Tricorder. At the beginning of the Treatment Phase, and every minute thereafter, the Lead Physician must update his Scan.

§  If they Scan Green, they succeed in treating one Condition (assuming it only requires a single success).

§  If they Scan Yellow, they suffer a setback, and can continue the Treatment, but at increased risk.

§  If they Scan Red, the Patient deteriorates, and may suffer a LETHAL wound or some other negative consequence.

§  If they Scan Black, the Patient suffers a severe negative consequence and may die.

After another Scan, the Lead Physician may choose to keep going, Roleplaying another minute of surgery, and conducting a Scan, or stop and proceed to the Finishing Phase. The assisting Physicians must continue to be involved, or the benefits of their help (increasing the odds of success) will be removed for the next Scan.

The Lead Physician may ask how many Scans are in the Treatment Options prior to the current Scan, and may choose to stop and proceed to the Finishing Phase before scanning again. If they complete a Scan, then they must accept the result of that Scan.

Finishing Phase

The Finishing Phase represents the time taken to tie up the loose ends (or organs) and close up the Wound. During the Finishing Phase, the risky part of the Surgery is over, and the participating Physicians can relax a bit. At least one Physician who was participating must spend an additional 3 minutes of Roleplay to complete the Surgery - at the end of this time, the Patient regains 1 lost Hit to each of their locations (or 3 Global Body Hits). Failing to complete the Finishing Phase may also result in the Patient acquiring an Infection Condition.

Treatment SCAN

When the Referee arrives at the Surgery, they will gather some basic information from the Players present and build a Treatment Scan. The basic Treatment Scan consists of 2 Green, 2 Yellow & 1 Red Medical Scan Results. Other factors will affect what Info go into the initial Treatment Scan;

§  Every Rank of the Physician skill that the Lead Physician has adds another Green Scan Option.

§  Every additional Physician assisting adds another Green Scan Option, up to the number of ranks of the Physician skill possessed by the Lead Physician.

§  Every Level of the Psionic Skill that the Patient has adds another Green Scan Option.

§  The Condition being treated may add more Scans of any of the 4 types based on how easy or difficult it is to treat.

After every Scan, the Referee may add or remove Scans from the Treatment Scan to denote the increasing risk of prolonged surgery.

Green Scan

If a Green Scan is shown, that indicates a success. The Surgeon may continue the Surgery to attempt to remove another Condition affecting the Patient - if that other Condition has additional Scans that need to be added, then those will be added for the next Scan.

Yellow Scan

If a Yellow Scan is shown, that indicates a setback. There is no direct negative consequence to the patient, but the risk of the surgery failing increases. If a Yellow Scan is shown, then the Referee adds another Yellow Scan to the Treatment Scan.

Red Scan

If a Red Scan is shown, that indicates that something has gone wrong in the Surgery - one of the Physicians may have clipped a blood vessel, the Condition may have worsened, or similar. The negative consequence might be another Condition given to the Patient, or the Referee may afflict the patient with a LETHAL wound, beginning their Death Count (note that Physicians who are working to stop someone's Death Count, do not contribute their Green Scan to the Surgery while they are doing so). If a Red Scan is shown, the Referee also adds another Yellow Scan to the Treatment Scan.

Black SCAN

If a Black Scan is shown, that indicates that something has gone very wrong. Either the Patient will Die during the Surgery, or has acquired a severe, long lasting and possibly incurable Condition. The Referee may confer briefly with the Patient's Player, and will decide on the most dramatically appropriate and fitting course of action - the Referee's decision is Final. No additional Scans are added to the Treatment Scan.

Escalating Consequences

The longer the Surgery goes on without success, the more likely it becomes that a negative consequence will occur. If at any point the Treatment Option has 4 Yellow or Red Scans, some of them are options of the next level of severity.

§  If there are 4 Yellow Scan Options in the Treatment Scan, three of them will be removed and replaced with another Red Scan Option.

§  If there are 4 Red Scan Options in the Treatment Scan, three of them will be removed and replaced with another Black Scan Option.

