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                                                CAPTAIN'S SUMMIT - KLINGON RITUAL


"tlhingan maH" 
(We are Klingon)

This Ritual, also known as the Klingon Rite of Passage, marks the attainment of a new level of Spirituality for a Klingon Warrior. First, the Ascendee proclaims "DaHjaj SuvwI'e' jiH. tIgwIj Sa'angNIS. Iw bIQtIq jIjaH." - Today I am a Warrior. I must show you my heart. I travel the river of blood. Then the Ascendee walks between two rows of warriors who subject him or her to Painsticks. The Ascendee is expected to express his or her most profound feelings while under this extreme duress. The Ceremony can be repeated as the Warrior grows in maturity. Many Warriors repeat the Ceremony as a Celebration of the ten year Anniversary of their Age of Ascension.

Klingon Event 2: Klingon "Rite of Ascension" Ceremony
Host: TBD
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Klingon Ceremonial Stage (Main Stage at the Pyramid)

Always check for Opening and Closing Times, some are only open during Conventions, Events and Meetings.